Sunday, 28 July 2013

How To Register IDM | Free Download IDM + Registration Life Time

Crack IDM Manually (Specially for window 7 users) Mostly time after updating your IDM, it shows error "you have registered IDM using fake serial key". If you are windows 7 user, then this post is for you, because for XP/Vista users , users can easily access full version IDM by downloading it from here without any keygen & error, Follow these steps: Download the IDM, then click on Registration. A...

320X Fresh Socks 5 Proxy Servers 2013

What is SOCKS and What is SOCKS Proxy Server ? SOCKS is short for SOCKet Secure which is an Internet protocol that routes network packets between a client and server through a proxy server. And that proxy server is thus called SOCKS proxy server. SOCKS protocol is mostly used for SOCKS proxy to bypass Internet filters to access websites and contents...

Beini 1.2.5 ISO Full Version Free Download

Beini 1.2.5 ISO Full Version Free Download. Brief to Beini is a tiny Linux distribution LiveCD that is less than fifty megabytes, It offers an arsenal tool for WiFi security and for auditor. Its an ISO format that can be burned to CD or booted up to USB pendrive/flash drive. Beini noted for its speed base on tiny Linux core and its device extensive list. Chipsets that supported wireless card are the leading AR9271...

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